Breaking FREE from Anxiety


Do you struggle with anxiety? If you do then you understand how upside down it can turn your life. If you don’t, then you probably can’t wrap your head around the thought of being paralyzed with fear and feeling sick to your stomach. I don’t go around telling people I have anxiety. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I am not embarrassed or ashamed. I just don’t think it is something that defines me. At least, not anymore! I have been praying about posting this and feel like God wants me to share something a little more on here. Anxiety is not a pretty thing, but you know what, if I can help at least one person reading this break FREE from it, then this post is more than worth it! Continue reading →

Coffee Date #2


Hi! Grab a cup of coffee, or tea if that’s your thing, I’ll try not to judge ;) just kidding! and let’s chat! If we were on a coffee date today, first of all I’d tell you that I was so glad you could take time out of your day to share a cup of happiness I mean coffee ;) with me! I’ve been on a sweet kick lately, so I’d probably offer to make you one of my favorite lattes. Either a homemade salted caramel latte or an iced dark chocolate mocha.  I bet you’d pick a salted caramel latte, wouldn’t you? ;) Continue reading →

Flank Steak Chimichurri Salad


This salad is one of our favorites for Summer dinner parties. It is super flavorful and always a huge hit! One of the best parts is how simple it is to throw all the dressing ingredients together beforehand and let it chill out in the refrigerator until you’re ready. Now don’t get too excited, hehe ;) but I actually have measured out most of the ingredients for this recipe so you will have an easier time recreating this! I actually won a cooking competition at my husband’s company a few years back with this recipe! :) My sweet son reminded me of that, yesterday when I made this. :)  Continue reading →

Finding & Using Your Creative SPARK!


The words to one of my favorite Rend Collective Experiment songs, Desert Soul paints such a beautiful picture to me of how I feel life would be without God’s amazing love and creative spark in me.
“I love you, Lord
But I want to love You more
I need You, God
But I want to need You more
I’m lost without
Your creative spark in me
I’m dead inside
Unless Your resurrection sings
All that I am is dry bones
Without You, Lord, a desert soul
I am broken, but running
Towards You, God, You make me whole.”

Continue reading →

Chipotle Lime Chicken Tacos

chipotle lime taco

I think it’s pretty safe to say, I could eat Mexican food every day. And if we’re being honest….Sometimes I do ;) Even though I am Italian and Portuguese, I have always loved cooking Mexican dishes and probably cook them more than any other type of food. Second would be Italian, but that’s for another post. :) I like keeping my recipes fairly simple and usually do not use measurements so I apologize in advance for this and any future recipes that confuse you. ;) hehe. I say, use your best judgement and cook with your heart! Cheesy, I know, but true! Continue reading →

Summer Favorites Vol. 1


Summer is here! Can you believe it? I can’t. Heck, I’m still thinking it’s 2015. ;) I decided to start a new series here on Grace in His Beauty with some of my favorite things in different categories. I will be sharing monthly with favorites ranging from beauty products to kitchen tools and every thing in between. This month I am sharing a few favorites to get you feeling fresh and ready for Summer and all it has to offer!  Continue reading →

Finding Grace….


Sometimes it seems easier to offer grace towards someone else than it is to have towards ourselves. We squeal in delight as our friend twirls around in her new outfit and tell her how cute she looks. But when we look in the mirror at ourselves, we seem to instantly magnify our flaws, failing to show ourselves grace. Grace is such a beautiful thing because we receive it freely from God without having to do anything for Him. God shows us His grace even though we don’t deserve it.  Continue reading →

Cold brew recipe + Coffee date.

cold brew1

It’s no secret that I LOVE coffee and I don’t discriminate against how it comes as long as it’s 1. good and 2. strong! Espresso drinks are usually my drink of choice. I love my Breville BES860xl to make lattes and mochas. Sometimes though I like to switch it up and throw some cold brew in the daily coffee mix. It is so simple to make at home and if you make a double batch in a larger 12-cup French press, you can store it is your fridge for a few days. Continue reading →

Fix my eyes on you, Lord!


I used to pray that I’d never need surgery. Now I know that is a silly thing to pray, let alone write on the Internet for everyone to see, but the reason I tell you is this. We pray for things we think we need or want. Not realizing that God already knows exactly what we need to move us in the direction of His will for our lives. Continue reading →

Faith > Fear


Faith over Fear. Fear comes in many different forms. There is the fear of failing as well as the fear of succeeding. Then there is just plain old fear, being scared of the unknown. Can you relate to any of those? I know I can. I was at the bookstore yesterday {I love “real” books. What about you, are you a paper book or an e-reader person?} and was looking for a different book but then saw this one and as soon as I picked it up and read the cover, I knew it was just what I was looking for. “Surrender your fear, Take the Leap, Live on Purpose.”   Continue reading →