Come As You Are


I have had people ask me about my “testimony” and  each time I think the same thing. That they are expecting me to give them all the dark details of a broken home and shattered dreams. Maybe blaming a God that I didn’t even believe in….Then one day I saw the light and found God. But that isn’t my testimony. I came from a strong Christ centered home with two parents who loved the Lord  and my sister and I more than anything else. So unlike the answer I assume they expect, I give them the truth. My testimony is that I’ve been a Christian for as long as I can remember. I was making up songs and singing them at 3 years old that said things like, “Here comes Jesus walking down the street.” I have always known Jesus as my personal savior and friend and honestly I can not imagine what life would look like, not to know Him! I did not live a perfect, sinless life and I make sure people know that. I don’t pretend to have all the answers, but I do know the most important answer of all. That my sins are forgiven and washed clean through my savior, Jesus Christ.         Continue reading →

Living Every Day with Purpose



It is so easy to get caught up in making a life that you forget to actually live life. I sit here at my computer listening to the trees swaying in the cool breeze. Fall is here. I can feel it in my soul. Why is it that when Fall rolls around, we finally feel like we can slow down and start enjoying life? Summer always feels like we need to go, go, go and keep going all day until the sun goes down. When do we decide that making a life is not as important as living your life?  

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Faith > Fear


Faith over Fear. Fear comes in many different forms. There is the fear of failing as well as the fear of succeeding. Then there is just plain old fear, being scared of the unknown. Can you relate to any of those? I know I can. I was at the bookstore yesterday {I love “real” books. What about you, are you a paper book or an e-reader person?} and was looking for a different book but then saw this one and as soon as I picked it up and read the cover, I knew it was just what I was looking for. “Surrender your fear, Take the Leap, Live on Purpose.”   Continue reading →




The other night our small group at church was talking about different types of spiritual practices like prayer, fasting, bible journaling….and without a hesitation I said mine was worshiping with music. Music has always been a part of my life. Growing up with a drummer dad {who also played in our church band through my childhood.} And my love for writing, inspired me to write music at a young age. It was a simple and pure way to worship the Lord. To this day I find myself singing at the top of my lungs, either crying out to Him in praise or crying to him in tough times. I was staring at my computer screen earlier and had to step away because I couldn’t get the words out that I was trying to write.

Then I turned on Colton Dixon and started listening to “You Are.” I was trying to write about simple worship and inspire you with beautiful words to encourage you, but then like clockwork the song gets to, the part that says, “If I had no voice, if I had no tongue I would dance for You like the rising sun, And when that day comes and I see Your face, I will shout Your endless, glorious praise.” and I start crying. Like the ugly cry. But not out of sadness. But because I felt pure joy and admiration for the Lord. The song, especially that part paints the most beautiful picture of Worship. Of Grace. Of innocence. Of glory. We ask so much of God {and don’t get me wrong, I think you should always come to God with your prayers and requests….} but sometimes we forget that He loves our relationship and praise.

It’s so easy to say we don’t have time to worship, or praise him but it doesn’t have to be something you schedule or plan ahead for. I think the best worship is just getting caught in a pure moment of joy and praise for the Lord. Listening to a song and singing it at the top of your lungs while tears stream down your face, saying YES LORD! I will praise you no matter what happens, or where I am, or who is around me.

No matter who you are or where you are from, God loves you! Sometimes we just need to stop and praise him. I encourage you to stop whatever you are doing right now and take a minute to acknowledge Him. However you know how to do so. Sing him a song, write him a poem, dance around and clap your hands. Whatever you feel praising him is. Q. How do you worship? Feel free to leave a comment below or contact me.

