Can you believe it’s the end of November already? Maybe you’re on top of things and have already bought and wrapped your presents this year. {overachiever. haha just kidding!} BUT, maybe you are like me, and are way behind on Christmas shopping. Ok, Ok….I’ll level with you. I haven’t even started! But in my defense, I do my best work under pressure. hehe ;) So for all of you who haven’t finished (or started) here are a few things I think would make a perfect gift for any women in your life. Your friends, your sister, your hair stylist, your mom or hey….maybe your favorite blogger ;) wink-wink. I am especially loving my JORD watch this season! See that mint beauty, smack dab in the middle. It is totally adding a pop of color and fun to my holiday outfits! Want to win one? Of course you do!
lovely life
Advent Season 2016
I mentioned in an Instagram post recently that I would be doing an Advent series and then started praying about it and waiting for the Lord to lead me on what to do next. I knew I wanted to talk about keeping CHRIST in Christmas but it wasn’t until the words hit me this morning that I really realized what Advent season is all about. Preparing our hearts. I think it is so much easier to prepare our hearts during the month(s) leading up to Easter, as it is when we celebrate Jesus dying on the cross and the resurrection. But do you stop and prepare your heart during the month(s) leading up until Christmas? Because without Christmas and Christ’s birth there would be no Easter. No Joy…No Hope…No Grace. Continue reading →
Intentional Acts of Kindness
This time of year always stirs up a special feeling in people that some call Christmas magic or Holiday cheer. Whatever you call it I just love it because people just seem a little…well, nicer. I truly wish that every day was Christmas, not because I want to listen to Christmas music and sip hot chocolate by the tree but because people are just genuinely more kind and compassionate during November and December. I’m sure you’ve hear the term Random acts of Kindness before, especially around this time of year. This year, it got me thinking that what if your acts of kindness weren’t random? What if they were intentional and lasted through out the year? What if your acts of kindness were done because of love and not obligation? Continue reading →
Forgive as He Forgave You
If you are like most people you probably hold some sort of resentment towards someone. We have all at one time been hurt by someone either physically or emotionally or gotten angry and said things that caused us and the people involved to be hurt. Maybe everyone walked away in a civilized manner after apologizing, but more than likely you all walked away hurt and angry carrying a grudge. Sometimes saying sorry and forgiving each other just does not happen. The Lord tells us to forgive them even if they are not sorry. The reason being is because forgiveness is about your own healing. We forgive because the Lord forgives us. Continue reading →
Thirty-Five Random Facts about ME!
In honor of my 35th {eek!} birthday, I thought I’d share 35 random things about myself. Let me tell you friends….coming up with 35 things was hard!! I hope you enjoy them. Some are super random, but if you can relate to any of them, I’d love to know! Leave me a comment or send me an email! xo Continue reading →
Come As You Are
I have had people ask me about my “testimony” and each time I think the same thing. That they are expecting me to give them all the dark details of a broken home and shattered dreams. Maybe blaming a God that I didn’t even believe in….Then one day I saw the light and found God. But that isn’t my testimony. I came from a strong Christ centered home with two parents who loved the Lord and my sister and I more than anything else. So unlike the answer I assume they expect, I give them the truth. My testimony is that I’ve been a Christian for as long as I can remember. I was making up songs and singing them at 3 years old that said things like, “Here comes Jesus walking down the street.” I have always known Jesus as my personal savior and friend and honestly I can not imagine what life would look like, not to know Him! I did not live a perfect, sinless life and I make sure people know that. I don’t pretend to have all the answers, but I do know the most important answer of all. That my sins are forgiven and washed clean through my savior, Jesus Christ. Continue reading →
Bloom Where You are Planted
“Sometimes you think you are being buried, when really you’re being planted. God is using this season to grow you.” I woke up this morning with this quote on my heart because it was another day that I woke up in pain. I fell asleep in pain, tossed and turned through out the night in pain and woke up in pain. I am not telling you this for sympathy, I am telling you this because I feel that if I don’t I am not being honest with you. Life is not always sunshine and rainbows. Some days, or in my case months are filled with pain and all you can do is cry out in frustration. I wake up every day praying the Lord will go before me and heal my pain. I don’t always feel 100% better but I do feel God’s peace and the pain decreasing. He is my hope when all else feels hopeless. Continue reading →
Coffee Date #3
If we were on a coffee date today, I would make us a hot drink rather than my usual iced latte since the weather is finally feeling like Fall! I am loving it! How about a toffee nut latte? Sound good? I’ll have one too. :) I thought for our coffee date today, I would share with you my answers to some questions that sweet Lauren from “andcoffeeblog” asked me when nominating me for the Liebster award. I have been nominated several times before by different people and FINALLY got around to answering the questions. Oops. :/ I added in a couple questions from the others that nominated me before. I am going to be a rebel, haha and am not repost the award photo and tag people like you are “supposed to” but if you want to share your answers to these questions, please feel free to join in! Or if you are in a question answering mood, email me and I will send you some of my own questions for you to post on your blog or Instagram to join in!
Living Every Day with Purpose
It is so easy to get caught up in making a life that you forget to actually live life. I sit here at my computer listening to the trees swaying in the cool breeze. Fall is here. I can feel it in my soul. Why is it that when Fall rolls around, we finally feel like we can slow down and start enjoying life? Summer always feels like we need to go, go, go and keep going all day until the sun goes down. When do we decide that making a life is not as important as living your life?
Broken Healing Through Christ
{this picture is of my sweet sister’s cute feet.}
Let me ask you a question. Now be honest with yourself, and well I can’t hear your answer so there’s no need to be shy. ;) Really think about what I am about to ask you. Ok? When you look in the mirror what do you see? I’m not asking what you physically see. I mean, when you look at yourself and look deep into your heart, what do you see? Do you see broken? Do you see pain and the burdens of your past mistakes? If you are like most people, you said, “Yes.” Because in some way, we are all broken. Perhaps you even started to cry and couldn’t get the words out so only a whisper was spoken.
God took human form and walked this world. He felt the pain and hurt we are feeling and knows what we are going through. He created us to feel. Even if that feeling is pain, you know why? Because it draws us closer to Him…..