Let them see YOU in me.

Life is not a competition. It’s not a board game, where the person who collects the most money and property wins. It’s not about who is the prettiest, the smartest or who has the most followers on social media. Your looks don’t determine your worth and neither does your career, your relationship status or how many upcoming coffee dates are on your calendar. Your worth and beauty are found in Christ. You will find that you are most satisfied in life, and will feel the most beautiful when you are glorifying God by letting HIM shine through you. Not shining so that others can see you.

There are so many movements now telling us to “love our bodies,” to be “who you are,” and to show ourselves “self care.” People are eating this stuff up all while forgetting that the truth of most people’s unhappiness about themselves lies in the fact that they are only working on making their outsides beautiful. So why aren’t we trying to live and love like Jesus and not like the “Influencers” on social media? Why aren’t we trying to make our HEARTS beautiful?

Answer me honestly….Don’t worry, I can’t hear your answer. Are you spending more time making sure that your outside is beautiful, rather than your inside? Read that again and be honest. When was the last time, you spent honest to goodness quality time in the Word? When was the last time you prayed a heart felt prayer of THANKSGIVING not just a prayer listing your requests to God. What is your heart’s desire? Do you want people to know YOU? Or are you shining a light so that others can see God through you?

We spend so much time and money working on our outwards appearance. We do our hair, nails, makeup. We go to the esthetician and get a facial. We color our hair to hid our grays hoping to erase a few years off our age. BUT imagine if we just spent half that time working on our hearts. Digging deeper in the Word. Spending quiet time with God. Working on making our inner beauty more beautiful than our outer beauty.

A super simple prayer that I have said for as long as I can remember is, Lord, let my inner beauty shine through my face.” You see. I have struggled with pretty bad acne since I was a teenager and there were many days I didn’t want people to see MY face. I instead wanted them to see my heart, because I knew it was beautiful because Jesus rules it. It’s funny how hard most people work on making sure they look good all while forgetting that looks fade, but a beautiful heart of someone who loves the Lord will never fade.

Friends, I encourage you to spend more time focusing on making your inner beauty more beautiful. And if you want, pray that simple prayer I shared with you. “Lord, let my inner beauty shine through my face.” I promise that if you wholeheartedly work on your inner beauty and seek the Lord and His will for your life, people will notice. Your inner beauty will shine through your face and no one can ever dull that sparkle.

Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Psalm 31:30

xoxo, Elizabeth

Am I Beautiful?

As women we often find ourselves asking the question, “Am I beautiful?” We may not be directly asking someone, but I am sure at one point or another you have asked yourself that very question.  Which then leads me to ask you this question. Do you think you are beautiful? More importantly, what do you think “being beautiful” truly means? Continue reading →

Thirty-Six Things About ME!

I thought in honor of my birthday tomorrow, I would share a little bit more about myself…and by a little bit, I mean 36 facts since I am turning 36. Yes I’m old. Let’s just agree to pretend I’m not. Mmmkay?  Good. Now that we got that out of the way….haha. I’m sure if you have followed along for awhile on my Instagram, you already know the basics, like I can’t go a day without Jesus and Coffee! But did you know….   Continue reading →

2016 Holiday Gift Guide


Can you believe it’s the end of November already? Maybe you’re on top of things and have already bought and wrapped your presents this year. {overachiever. haha just kidding!} BUT, maybe you are like me, and are way behind on Christmas shopping. Ok, Ok….I’ll level with you. I haven’t even started! But in my defense, I do my best work under pressure. hehe ;) So for all of you who haven’t finished (or started) here are a few things I think would make a perfect gift for any women in your life. Your friends, your sister, your hair stylist,  your mom or hey….maybe your favorite blogger ;) wink-wink. I am especially loving my JORD watch this season! See that mint beauty, smack dab in the middle. It is totally adding a pop of color and fun to my holiday outfits! Want to win one? Of course you do!

Continue reading →

Summer Favorites Vol. 1


Summer is here! Can you believe it? I can’t. Heck, I’m still thinking it’s 2015. ;) I decided to start a new series here on Grace in His Beauty with some of my favorite things in different categories. I will be sharing monthly with favorites ranging from beauty products to kitchen tools and every thing in between. This month I am sharing a few favorites to get you feeling fresh and ready for Summer and all it has to offer!  Continue reading →

Finding Grace….


Sometimes it seems easier to offer grace towards someone else than it is to have towards ourselves. We squeal in delight as our friend twirls around in her new outfit and tell her how cute she looks. But when we look in the mirror at ourselves, we seem to instantly magnify our flaws, failing to show ourselves grace. Grace is such a beautiful thing because we receive it freely from God without having to do anything for Him. God shows us His grace even though we don’t deserve it.  Continue reading →

YOU are Beautiful

bed mug

Beauty is something {especially as women} that we are always searching for. We look to others at times, for inspiration and maybe even admiration.  We obsess over silly things like pimples, height, weight, clothing size, eye color, hair color….and the list goes on and on! We long to “be beautiful” and even if we are told every day that we are beautiful, we don’t believe it. Why? I really don’t have the magic answer as to why we all feel this way, but I do know this.  Continue reading →