The words to one of my favorite Rend Collective Experiment songs, Desert Soul paints such a beautiful picture to me of how I feel life would be without God’s amazing love and creative spark in me.
“I love you, Lord
But I want to love You more
I need You, God
But I want to need You more
I need You, God
But I want to need You more
I’m lost without
Your creative spark in me
I’m dead inside
Unless Your resurrection sings
Your creative spark in me
I’m dead inside
Unless Your resurrection sings
All that I am is dry bones
Without You, Lord, a desert soul
I am broken, but running
Towards You, God, You make me whole.”
Without You, Lord, a desert soul
I am broken, but running
Towards You, God, You make me whole.”
Each of us have been given special gifts and abilities from God, but it is our job to discover what they are and to them use them for His glory! I know it is easy to get caught up in ourselves sometimes. We forget that every good and perfect gift is from above. We use our talents daily not even realizing that they are gifts from God to use for Him. But maybe you don’t do this on purpose. Maybe you don’t even realize how talented you are or how amazing the gift God has blessed you with is. If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably wondered at least 100 times, what your God given gifts are. You know there are things that you are good at, but are they from God? You ask yourself. But chances are, you are completely over looking them and going about your life as though God hasn’t blessed you at all. Or you are like a lot of people who goes on social media or hangs out with one of your friends that are most likely talented in an area you are not, and then you get caught up and start comparing yourself to them and ask God why you aren’t good at blank. Photography, Social Media Marketing, Calligraphy….The Bible says that we are all part of the body of Christ, so therefore each one of us has our own talents that alone may not seem to be anything big or important but when we work together for the glory of God they become amazing and wonderful blessings to others! “Each of you should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms” 1 Peter 4:10

I really encourage you to take some time to think about what talents you have been given and if you are using them for God’s glory or your own. Now don’t get me wrong….I don’t think there is anything wrong with making a living using your talents. If you are a talented baker and you are selling your delicious treats, awesome! Or you are an amazing photographer and are traveling around taking pictures of the world, great! But what if you took a step back and asked God what He wants you to do with your talent? Maybe you are doing exactly what He wants you to do with them. That would be wonderful! But what if there is something He would like you to do with your gifts that you haven’t even imagined? How cool would that be? I challenge you to take a step back this week and pray about this. Ask God to speak to your heart about what you should be doing with your talents and abilities. And if you aren’t even sure what yours are, then I encourage you to ask Him to show you! Most importantly, please know that you were created in HIS image. You are amazing no matter what you can or can’t do. Seek His will for your creativity and watch it flourish!
As always, please feel free to contact me with any comments, questions or prayer requests!