Living for a Purpose. On Purpose.

Can you believe it’s the end of November already? Maybe you’re on top of things and have already bought and wrapped your presents this year. {overachiever. haha just kidding!} BUT, maybe you are like me, and are way behind on Christmas shopping. Ok, Ok….I’ll level with you. I haven’t even started! But in my defense, I do my best work under pressure. hehe ;) So for all of you who haven’t finished (or started) here are a few things I think would make a perfect gift for any women in your life. Your friends, your sister, your hair stylist, your mom or hey….maybe your favorite blogger ;) wink-wink. I am especially loving my JORD watch this season! See that mint beauty, smack dab in the middle. It is totally adding a pop of color and fun to my holiday outfits! Want to win one? Of course you do!