Finding Grace….


Sometimes it seems easier to offer grace towards someone else than it is to have towards ourselves. We squeal in delight as our friend twirls around in her new outfit and tell her how cute she looks. But when we look in the mirror at ourselves, we seem to instantly magnify our flaws, failing to show ourselves grace. Grace is such a beautiful thing because we receive it freely from God without having to do anything for Him. God shows us His grace even though we don’t deserve it.  Continue reading →

Cold brew recipe + Coffee date.

cold brew1

It’s no secret that I LOVE coffee and I don’t discriminate against how it comes as long as it’s 1. good and 2. strong! Espresso drinks are usually my drink of choice. I love my Breville BES860xl to make lattes and mochas. Sometimes though I like to switch it up and throw some cold brew in the daily coffee mix. It is so simple to make at home and if you make a double batch in a larger 12-cup French press, you can store it is your fridge for a few days. Continue reading →

Fix my eyes on you, Lord!


I used to pray that I’d never need surgery. Now I know that is a silly thing to pray, let alone write on the Internet for everyone to see, but the reason I tell you is this. We pray for things we think we need or want. Not realizing that God already knows exactly what we need to move us in the direction of His will for our lives. Continue reading →

Faith > Fear


Faith over Fear. Fear comes in many different forms. There is the fear of failing as well as the fear of succeeding. Then there is just plain old fear, being scared of the unknown. Can you relate to any of those? I know I can. I was at the bookstore yesterday {I love “real” books. What about you, are you a paper book or an e-reader person?} and was looking for a different book but then saw this one and as soon as I picked it up and read the cover, I knew it was just what I was looking for. “Surrender your fear, Take the Leap, Live on Purpose.”   Continue reading →



How often do you find yourself in prayer saying, “Lord please bless me” or “bless us with this new {fill in the blank.} Now that you’re thinking about it, more than you thought, right? Even though it may sound sweet and innocent, what we really are doing is trying to control the outcome of our situation or worse yet, our life. I mean we’re being honest here so you can say yes. I won’t judge. I know I do it myself at times. But what we fail to recognize is that perhaps God is blessing you by NOT giving you whatever you keep on asking for. Yep, you read that right. But go ahead and read that line again. Being blessed by God, has nothing to do with “getting something.” But in fact, to be blessed we need to be a blessing. Continue reading →




The other night our small group at church was talking about different types of spiritual practices like prayer, fasting, bible journaling….and without a hesitation I said mine was worshiping with music. Music has always been a part of my life. Growing up with a drummer dad {who also played in our church band through my childhood.} And my love for writing, inspired me to write music at a young age. It was a simple and pure way to worship the Lord. To this day I find myself singing at the top of my lungs, either crying out to Him in praise or crying to him in tough times. I was staring at my computer screen earlier and had to step away because I couldn’t get the words out that I was trying to write.

Then I turned on Colton Dixon and started listening to “You Are.” I was trying to write about simple worship and inspire you with beautiful words to encourage you, but then like clockwork the song gets to, the part that says, “If I had no voice, if I had no tongue I would dance for You like the rising sun, And when that day comes and I see Your face, I will shout Your endless, glorious praise.” and I start crying. Like the ugly cry. But not out of sadness. But because I felt pure joy and admiration for the Lord. The song, especially that part paints the most beautiful picture of Worship. Of Grace. Of innocence. Of glory. We ask so much of God {and don’t get me wrong, I think you should always come to God with your prayers and requests….} but sometimes we forget that He loves our relationship and praise.

It’s so easy to say we don’t have time to worship, or praise him but it doesn’t have to be something you schedule or plan ahead for. I think the best worship is just getting caught in a pure moment of joy and praise for the Lord. Listening to a song and singing it at the top of your lungs while tears stream down your face, saying YES LORD! I will praise you no matter what happens, or where I am, or who is around me.

No matter who you are or where you are from, God loves you! Sometimes we just need to stop and praise him. I encourage you to stop whatever you are doing right now and take a minute to acknowledge Him. However you know how to do so. Sing him a song, write him a poem, dance around and clap your hands. Whatever you feel praising him is. Q. How do you worship? Feel free to leave a comment below or contact me.



YOU are Beautiful

bed mug

Beauty is something {especially as women} that we are always searching for. We look to others at times, for inspiration and maybe even admiration.  We obsess over silly things like pimples, height, weight, clothing size, eye color, hair color….and the list goes on and on! We long to “be beautiful” and even if we are told every day that we are beautiful, we don’t believe it. Why? I really don’t have the magic answer as to why we all feel this way, but I do know this.  Continue reading →

Step out in FAITH


“Just have faith.” I’m sure you’ve heard that a million times. Or between yet, said it to someone. It seems like an easy thing to do, but to truly have faith, as Christians we know that means trusting in God, even though we don’t know exactly what the outcome may be. It seems scary, but we know that God works all things together for good, for those who love him. {Romans 8:28}

Having faith might be what is going to take you from where you are to where you are supposed to be! Faith is trusting that God knows what He is doing even though your life or situation may make you feel like there is no way that He does. That is the beauty of faith. Trusting God to take you where you need to be, instead of worrying about it yourself.    Continue reading →

Spring is in the air


I found the CUTEST cupcake liners and toppers from Meri Meri for Easter, so of course I had to bake cupcakes, right? Yes, of course! {you said that, right? Ok good. Just making sure we’re on the same page here ;) hehe} I made the most delicious, moist lemon cupcakes with a lemon buttercream for Easter dinner at my parent’s house. Lemon cupcakes are my favorite. As in, when I bake them I eat one, or two…. I say that because I can bake chocolate cupcakes and not be tempted. Lemon, nope that’s all she wrote. Yum!

But this is not about these cupcakes. As pretty and yummy as they were. Easter is one of my favorite times of the year. It is such a beautiful season to reflect on our Savior making the ultimate sacrifice and dying a real and painful death on the cross for us. For YOU and for ME!

“For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only son, that whomever believes in him will not perish but will have eternal life.” John 3:16

He is RISEN! He is ALIVE! I hope you had a blessed and happy Easter.



His mercies are new every morning!

Lamentations 3

I’m going to let you in on a little secret….I am not a morning person. Sadly though, I don’t think you could really say I was a night owl either. ;) So each morning when I see the sun start to peek in through my bedroom window, I may or may not roll over and pull the covers over my eyes. I do however take a minute to mentally thank God for the new day and fresh start. I ask Him to “go before me” and then I more than likely fall back asleep.

One thing I know is that no matter how bad the previous day was. No matter how many times you picked up the same pair of shoes off the floor, or how many times you yelled at your kids. No matter how many mumbles of frustration you made while counting down the hours until bedtime, the Lord brings you a new, fresh start every-single-day! Isn’t that amazing and wonderful?! I love this. His mercies really are new every morning like the beautiful words of Lamentations say. In the NIV Bible, the words are so sweet that I have to share them with you. “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23.

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