Am I Beautiful?

As women we often find ourselves asking the question, “Am I beautiful?” We may not be directly asking someone, but I am sure at one point or another you have asked yourself that very question.  Which then leads me to ask you this question. Do you think you are beautiful? More importantly, what do you think “being beautiful” truly means? Continue reading →

Joyful in Hope

I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase , “Choose Joy.” a hundred times before. Maybe you’ve even said it yourself. But what does “choosing joy” really look like? We have a choice every day to either have a positive or a negative attitude. Both take effort, but they each have drastically different outcomes. Perhaps you are like myself, and you struggle with fear and anxiety so you think choosing joy may seem harder. Tough times will still come, but joy will make it easier to deal with whatever comes your way. One of my favorite Bible verses says, “Be joyful in hope. Patient in affliction and faithful in prayer.” Romans 12:12. Let’s dig into that a little more and see what “choosing joy” really means.  Continue reading →

The Power of a Prayer Warrior {Parent}

Being called a prayer warrior, to me is better than being called; pretty, funny or amazing.  When people come to me and ask me to pray for them, it makes my heart smile. I have always had a strong relationship with the Lord. That isn’t something that just happens. It is something you need to constantly work at and I have. Now don’t get me wrong. Yes, I have ALWAYS loved the Lord, but I have not always acted like I love Him. I have made my share of mistakes along the way. But I know that we serve a loving God who wants to have a relationship with us. We have prayer to communicate with the One who created us. What could be better than calling on our Heavenly Father. So how exactly can we call upon Him? By praying and becoming prayer warriors. Ephesians 6:11 says, “Put on the full armor of God, so that you can stand against the devil’s schemes.” Curious about strengthening your prayer life? Keep reading then!     

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What God Allows….For His Glory! {part 1}

I caught myself looking up towards the ceiling again, asking “Why, God?!” when another day began with another headache. I think it is probably safe to assume that at one time or another, you too have asked, “Why?” to God. It’s sadly almost second nature to us, when something goes awry, to call out to Him in frustration asking, “WHY?!” “Why did He let________happen.” Maybe you asked Him why your loved one passed away. Or why He let your relationship fall apart, or why the test results came back positive for an incurable disease. One thing I have learned through out the years of my pain and trials, is that sometimes, God allows us to experience the deep, dark, worldly pain because He wants us to be able to experience and understand His unconditional, heavenly love and strength.   Continue reading →

Comfort in the Storm

“Sometimes God calms the storms and sometimes He lets the storm rage and calms His child….” Life has thrown me a curveball the last few years regarding my health. Up until about five years ago I was living with very minimal pain. I got the occasional migraine which would knock me down shortly, but I was able to go the majority of the month pain free. Most days lately however, I find it hard to keep my head above water. To say I get overwhelmed with the constant pain would be quite the understatement. There are days where I am completely taken over with anxiety and depression from my daily pain. The past several months have been a whirlwind of different physical health issues ranging from migraines that last days at a time, to my back going out and not being able to walk. Even though I spend most days in very heart felt prayer, I have not been really working on strengthening my relationship with the Lord. Most days if I am being honest, my prayers are very specific to my pain and sometimes, all I ask for a healing from it.    Continue reading →

His Plans are Perfect

Happily Ever After….The best ending to a book or movie in my opinion but is Happily Ever After really how they portray it?….Imagine for a minute that everything in your life was “perfect.” What are you imagining? Money? New car? More toned body? Baby that sleeps through the night? Were you thinking about any of these? Maybe all of them? Now let me ask you this; when I asked you to imagine a “perfect life” did you imagine having a stronger, more meaningful relationship with God? Truth be told, most of us probably don’t think of that at first when we stomp our feet and whine about our daily struggles and how life isn’t “fair.” We sit and think about how our life isn’t the way we had always dreamed of and imagined but perhaps, this is the moment for which you were created. {Esther 4:14} Perhaps this very life you are living is exactly what God wants for you.       Continue reading →

Live Your BEST Year

Another year has come and gone. I am so thankful for each day that God blessed me with as Alexander’s mom and Adam’s wife. But if we are being honest I cant say that I am sad to see 2016 go. It was a hard year to say the least. Starting out the year with emergency gallbladder surgery was rough, but God walked me through it and brought me to the other side of a long struggle with worry and anxiety. Though every day was not always sunshine and rainbows, life is a beautiful gift that we get to unwrap each and every day!       Continue reading →

Advent Season 2016


I mentioned in an Instagram post recently that I would be doing an Advent series and then started praying about it and waiting for the Lord to lead me on what to do next. I knew I wanted to talk about keeping CHRIST in Christmas but it wasn’t until the words hit me this morning that I really realized what Advent season is all about. Preparing our hearts. I think it is so much easier to prepare our hearts during the month(s) leading up to Easter, as it is when we celebrate Jesus dying on the cross and the resurrection. But do you stop and prepare your heart during the month(s) leading up until Christmas? Because without Christmas and Christ’s birth there would be no Easter. No Joy…No Hope…No Grace.   Continue reading →

Forgive as He Forgave You


If you are like most people you probably hold some sort of resentment towards someone. We have all at one time been hurt by someone either physically or emotionally or gotten angry and said things that caused us and the people involved to be hurt. Maybe everyone walked away in a civilized manner after apologizing, but more than likely you all walked away hurt and angry carrying a grudge. Sometimes saying sorry and forgiving each other just does not happen. The Lord tells us to forgive them even if they are not sorry. The reason being is because forgiveness is about your own healing. We forgive because the Lord forgives us. Continue reading →

Come As You Are


I have had people ask me about my “testimony” and  each time I think the same thing. That they are expecting me to give them all the dark details of a broken home and shattered dreams. Maybe blaming a God that I didn’t even believe in….Then one day I saw the light and found God. But that isn’t my testimony. I came from a strong Christ centered home with two parents who loved the Lord  and my sister and I more than anything else. So unlike the answer I assume they expect, I give them the truth. My testimony is that I’ve been a Christian for as long as I can remember. I was making up songs and singing them at 3 years old that said things like, “Here comes Jesus walking down the street.” I have always known Jesus as my personal savior and friend and honestly I can not imagine what life would look like, not to know Him! I did not live a perfect, sinless life and I make sure people know that. I don’t pretend to have all the answers, but I do know the most important answer of all. That my sins are forgiven and washed clean through my savior, Jesus Christ.         Continue reading →