Joyful in Hope

I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase , “Choose Joy.” a hundred times before. Maybe you’ve even said it yourself. But what does “choosing joy” really look like? We have a choice every day to either have a positive or a negative attitude. Both take effort, but they each have drastically different outcomes. Perhaps you are like myself, and you struggle with fear and anxiety so you think choosing joy may seem harder. Tough times will still come, but joy will make it easier to deal with whatever comes your way. One of my favorite Bible verses says, “Be joyful in hope. Patient in affliction and faithful in prayer.” Romans 12:12. Let’s dig into that a little more and see what “choosing joy” really means.  Continue reading →

What God Allows….For His Glory! {part 1}

I caught myself looking up towards the ceiling again, asking “Why, God?!” when another day began with another headache. I think it is probably safe to assume that at one time or another, you too have asked, “Why?” to God. It’s sadly almost second nature to us, when something goes awry, to call out to Him in frustration asking, “WHY?!” “Why did He let________happen.” Maybe you asked Him why your loved one passed away. Or why He let your relationship fall apart, or why the test results came back positive for an incurable disease. One thing I have learned through out the years of my pain and trials, is that sometimes, God allows us to experience the deep, dark, worldly pain because He wants us to be able to experience and understand His unconditional, heavenly love and strength.   Continue reading →

Choosing Faith over Fear

On the other side of fear is FREEDOM. I have been telling myself this saying a lot lately. If you’ve followed along with me for awhile, you may have noticed I talk often about anxiety and fear. The reason I do is to bring it to light so that someone else that may be struggling with these things knows that they are not alone. I know that when I am knee deep in fear, it is easy to feel like you are drowning and there is no lifeguard on duty. BUT that is exactly where the enemy wants you to be. So don’t let that happen. Take control of your thoughts and surrender them all to Christ. He is our lifeguard when the waves come crashing in on us.         Continue reading →

Comfort in the Storm

“Sometimes God calms the storms and sometimes He lets the storm rage and calms His child….” Life has thrown me a curveball the last few years regarding my health. Up until about five years ago I was living with very minimal pain. I got the occasional migraine which would knock me down shortly, but I was able to go the majority of the month pain free. Most days lately however, I find it hard to keep my head above water. To say I get overwhelmed with the constant pain would be quite the understatement. There are days where I am completely taken over with anxiety and depression from my daily pain. The past several months have been a whirlwind of different physical health issues ranging from migraines that last days at a time, to my back going out and not being able to walk. Even though I spend most days in very heart felt prayer, I have not been really working on strengthening my relationship with the Lord. Most days if I am being honest, my prayers are very specific to my pain and sometimes, all I ask for a healing from it.    Continue reading →

Bloom Where You are Planted


“Sometimes you think you are being buried, when really you’re being planted. God is using this season to grow you.” I woke up this morning with this quote on my heart because it was another day that I woke up in pain. I fell asleep in pain, tossed and turned through out the night in pain and woke up in pain. I am not telling you this for sympathy, I am telling you this because I feel that if I don’t I am not being honest with you. Life is not always sunshine and rainbows. Some days, or in my case months are filled with pain and all you can do is cry out in frustration. I wake up every day praying the Lord will go before me and heal my pain. I don’t always feel 100% better but I do feel God’s peace and the pain decreasing. He is my hope when all else feels hopeless.   Continue reading →